Động thái về số lượng của vi sinh vật gây bệnh trên đệm lót sinh học trong quá trình chăn nuôi lợn thịt tại huyện Thống Nhất, tỉnh Đồng Nai


Dynamics of bacteria populations in bio-bedding in pig production in Thong Nhat District,

Dong Nai province

The experiment was conducted to evaluate the population dynamics of pathogenic bacteria including Coliform, Salmonella, E.coli and Clostridium perfringen. One hundred and eighty commercial crossbred pigs (Duroc x Yorkshire x Landrace) were used in three trials; of which 60 animals per each trial were raised on bio-bedding in 3 households (20 pigs/household), they were the same in breed, age, body weight and diet. The samples were taken at beginning 0h of experiment and monthly then for analyzing population of Coliform, E.coli and Clostridium perfringen and Salmonella appearance. During 4 months of raising, results show that density of E.coli varied from 5.13 x 103 - 1.45 x 105 CFU/g, density of Coliform varied from 1,2x103 - 2,63x105 CFU/g and of Cl.perfringens from 1,03 x 103 - 2,00 x 103 CFU/g. Salmonella  appeared in the bio-bedding in all 3 trials with high ratio from 84.44% - 100%. Although density of E. coli, Salmonella, Cl.perfringens and Coliform bacteria in the bio-bedding increased during raising duration in all three trials but they were not enough population to harm the pigs and did not increase the odor as well as disease percentage.

Key words: Bacteria populations, crossbred pigs, bio-bedding, Coliform, Salmonella, E.coli and Clostridium perfringen.

Chi tiết tại đây

Động thái về số lượng của vi sinh vật gây bệnh trên đệm lót sinh học trong quá trình chăn nuôi lợn thịt tại huyện Thống Nhất, tỉnh Đồng Nai

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